Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Webometrics 1.0from AltaVista to Small Worlds and Genre Drift

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Deep in the heart of America

Lies the tissue wrapped gift of hope.
We still wait for the change button to activate
While Obama feeds us more rope.

Deep in the heart of America,
Each table groans a little less
As each day holds fewer jobs
And a scant stimulus check our redress.

Deep in the heart of America,
The click of cocking guns are heard
And rapacious smiles begin
As the lines of law grow weak and blurred.

Deep in the heart of America
The summer crawls into view
And those that wait for help
Will surely get their due.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Seriously . . .

Don't you think it is about time. I been commenting and blogging about the net for several years and I have tried my hand at a blog or two, see links to the right hand side if you don't believe me. And now I have decided it is time to get serious or at least as serious as one can be in these times. No, I won't be leaving those older blogs behind. They do after all represent some fairly good writing and some great examples of other blogs across the blogosphere.